Tuesday 10 June 2014

Wonky Show

A long Time's Dream has finally came true.


Isn’t it True … We could Have Conquered the world, Only if we could have maintained a constant high of 90ml Alcohol in our blood. Well, it seems,  Steve does that. Outspoken and abusive, with a mood swing rivaled only by severely constipated person. 
Welcome To “WONKY SHOW”. Follow the lives of Steve , Randal , Vinen and like them , all the insignificant people , “ i.e. US” , trying to make a significant difference to the world , which is not happening due to some error in the butterfly effect theory , it seems . Notwithstanding, that doesn’t keep Them or Us , from emitting our awesomeness   to the world around us and let the unworthy bask in our maddening wisdom .. for free.
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Youtube              ::   https://www.youtube.com/user/wonkyshow
Blog                     ::   thewonkyshow.blogspot.in
Email                   ::   TheWonkyShow@gmail.com